Soon Working From Farm

The summer of 2020 turned out vicious for the world with Covid closing everything. It’s been two months since I’m working from home. And gradually orientation changes. What I once thought impossible turned into plausible and has now turned to a plan.
This is a little cabin I bought on the bank of a pond on my farm.
Provenance is taking care of how things are falling in place, but before the Gaushala could begin in another 3 months, this place will ensure we have a place to store fodder for our cows and keep our equipment. This is also going to be my little cheese making lab.
The back side of the cabin — which actually faces the pond — will be opened up into an entrance for an upper deck office.
This here above the side will become a vine covered little front with the wall that holds that small rectangular hole brought down to become an east facing side entrance to enter the kitchen.
As for the back side : This is how the artist visualises it.

I will begin the work on this as soon as monsoon is over.

Meanwhile , this is how the scorching summer of Gujarat looks on farm.


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